
Dandy Darkly's All Aboard!

solo performance · Dandy Darkly · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
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DREW PETRIELLO certified reviewer June 21, 2019
Dandy Darkly is a: Character. Storyteller. Vaudeville star. Carnival Barker. Mad Prophet. Spokesperson of a Twisted World. All Hail.... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 24, 2019
Pure storytellers are a rare breed, and Dandy Darkly is one of the best, reminiscent of one of my favorites from the Renaissance Faire, the late Mark Lewis.  He has won countless awards from fringes worldwide, and he showed why during this non-stop southern gothic tale.  He controlled the audience from start to finish, keeping them engaged and entranced in every word he spoke.  This show was truly a treat.... full review
ERIC WEBB certified reviewer June 20, 2019
I cannot recommend enough that you take this whimsical, hilarious, harrowing, and heartbreaking journey into the dark heart of the American South with your conductor, the incomparable Dandy Darkly - a master storyteller that will delight with sordid tales of terror and transformation! Like a Goth-infused, woke Prairie Home Companion on drugs, this is a must-see show.... full review
THEA RIVERA certified reviewer June 18, 2019
tagged as: WOW
Amazing storytelling! Wow!... full review
MATT RITCHEY certified reviewer June 22, 2019
In Dandy Darkly’s All Aboard!, it’s better if you don’t know exactly what you’re getting into when hopping on board Dandy’s story train. He’s a master in the oral tradition of storytelling and creates vivid characters and situations which, in the flick of a phrase, instantly turn into something for more insidious. Each story he tells is better than the last and he weaves what appear to be disjointed tales into a seamless and exciting fabric. I was reminded of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman more than once. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... full review
JANELLE LUCZON certified reviewer June 25, 2019
Dandy Darkly is THE storyteller and spellcaster of the 2019 Fringe Festival. Breathtaking and heartbreaking, this thrilling narrative is brave and unafraid.... full review
MATT KENNEDY certified reviewer June 27, 2019
Human dynamo dark drag clown Dandy Darkly delivers delightful diction in the tradition of Southern gothic. The seasoned storyteller and skilled showman spins a twisted tall tale centering on the fictional town of Gaybird, Alabama and its colorful inhabitants, blending horror, hope, and homily with an animated, passionate delivery that keeps audiences engaged throughout the grueling (for the performer) hour-long monologue.... full review
ERIK BLAIR certified reviewer June 29, 2019
THIS WAS AN INCREDIBLE experience. 100% one of the best productions I've seen at this year's Fringe. Dandy tells amazing stories in absolute perfection and I could not stop talking about the show for the rest of the night I saw it.... full review
ESQUIZITO AKA, EP PEREZ certified reviewer June 30, 2019
tagged as: wild · frantic · sci-fi manifestations · Race · class · sex
The boy worked himself into a state! There was one point briefly during which the train was barreling at a run-away speed (I had to blow my whistle) but, wow! He's got powers... and his purpose seems to be freedom.... full review
RUSSELL EATON certified reviewer July 01, 2019
Dandy Darkly is an impressive storyteller who yearns, or perhaps NEEDS to tell you some very dark tales. He balances between narrator and hypnotist as he weaves the story of a young boy who witnesses evil.... full review
dandy darkly's all aboard!