
Charlatan: Secrets of the Victorian Psychics

cabaret & variety · Scalding Tea Productions · ★★★★★ · Ages 12+ · United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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KATIE JONES certified reviewer June 05, 2017
This is a show worth seeing. You won't find anything else like it at Fringe this year. If you enjoy spectacle, audience interaction, and adorable British hosts, you'll be sure to enjoy Charlatans!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 09, 2017
tagged as: spooky · supernatural · psychics · Hypnosis
I'm coming back again to see it a second time!... full review
MICHAEL FONTAINE my haunt life certified reviewer June 11, 2017
Walking into this show, I thought I had an idea of what I would experience. In my mind, I'd be going to show/lecture about Victorian-era "psychics" and the tricks they pulled in order to make money by making people believers in their "powers". Some secrets were revealed, but what surprised me and made me fall in love with this show was that, in addition to the history, you got to see and experience what these cons were. Dr. Mark Gasson takes you through a short history lesson about Victorian-era psychics and then re-enacts some of the things that made these "psychics" what they were (spoiler alert, they're just normal people with no special "powers"). He makes you realize just how easy it is to be manipulated by people who know how to ta... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 11, 2017
It was an entertaining show that got the audience talking after the show was over.... full review
RICHARD GRAVES certified reviewer June 15, 2017
An entertaining expose of the methods so-called psychics and mediums employed "way back when" to convince others they had connections to the supernatural and to the deceased on "the other side". It's also a meditation on the susceptibility of individuals under certain circumstances and the inclinations of many to believe the things they wish to believe - regardless of evidence. Thought provoking.... full review
JAY DECATOR certified reviewer June 17, 2017
An enjoyable survey of the methods employed by Victorian-era psychics. A lot of audience participation really drives home how effective they could be. Not exactly what I expected, but a fun time nonetheless.... full review
CATHERINE CURTIS certified reviewer June 19, 2017
An interesting mix of history, charlatanry and real phenomena with a touch of theatricality.... full review
RUSSELL EATON certified reviewer June 20, 2017
tagged as: spiritualism · spooky · magic · mystery · Hypnosis
One of my favorite shows, part lecture part demonstration part history lesson... all of it fun and fascinating.... full review
ROB STEVENS certified reviewer June 05, 2017
Needs some refinement.... full review
PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewer June 05, 2017
tagged as: podcast
6 out of 10 Okay, but it needs work. Check out the review below for more info. full review
charlatan: secrets of the victorian psychics