

comedy · ZapPictures · Ages 14+ · United States
LA WEEKLY: "RECOMMENDED-1 OF TOP 7 SHOWS at the Hollywood Fringe!" TED Talks-style "Influencers" will attempt to destroy your precious Cherished Beliefs by making life-changing presentations as they compete for Money, Glory & PowerPoint immortality. Fun times! (Dark Comedy, 55 min)
LA WEEKLY: "RECOMMENDED-1 OF TOP 7 SHOWS at the Hollywood Fringe!" TED Talks-style "Influencers" will attempt to destroy your precious Cherished Beliefs by making life-changing presentations as they compete for Money, Glory & PowerPoint immortality. Fun times! (Dark Comedy, 55 min)


ensemble theatre · The Ceiling People · Ages 16+ · United States
YOSHIBA is based on real events… or rather it’s based on real customer complaints written to computer companies based on allegedly real events. This play cannot be used as evidence in a court of law.
YOSHIBA is based on real events… or rather it’s based on real customer complaints written to computer companies based on allegedly real events. This play cannot be used as evidence in a court of law.

tagged with subversive