The Bearer of Bad News

Drama · unladylike theatre · Ages 12+ · United States of America

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MATTHEW ROBINSON encore judge certified reviewer June 19, 2022
A show that will stick with you long after you have left the theater. With incredibly nuanced and powerful performances and a strikingly horrific and captivating story at it's core. Sometimes beautiful, often terrifying but always engaging and challenging. This is a play that dares to dive into the conversation of body autonomy in a way I have never seen before. Finding a delicate balance in a concept that could have easily been considered absurd, but it's confident and it nails it's message with ease. ... full review
JAMES FERRERO certified reviewer June 17, 2022
tagged as: dystopia · pregnancy · healthcare · Sci-Fi
A fascinating, bizarre journey into the issues surrounding pregnancy, healthcare, and choice all with a Twilight Zone twist. The actors had a solid grasp of the language and seamlessly glided between drama and unexpected comedy. An excellent example of how a show can get started at Fringe, and I can't wait to see where it goes.... full review
TIM BEEDLE certified reviewer June 13, 2022
A smart blend of dystopian sci-fi, casual humor and a provocative, sharp message, this show boasts three stellar performances and a storyline that you'll be thinking about for days. A must-see for fans of both thought-provoking theater and TV shows like Black Mirror or The Handmaid's Tale.... full review
FREDA JING certified reviewer June 12, 2022
Super fun, scary and mind opening. Pregnancy is a potential you get signed up for when you were born a woman and , like the bearers, you never really think about it. When the protagonists are dispossessed of their rights to acknowledge the fact that what their bodies are supporting are not apart of them, not even the same species, it really stretches our mind about pregnancy and disconstruct our certain prejudice of womanhood.... full review
SOCKS WHITMORE stage raw certified reviewer June 09, 2022
This show is "weird but I liked it," a great fit for the Fringe. Read my full review on Stage Raw: And hear more about the show contrasted against other Fringe productions on the "Stages of Our City" podcast: full review