A World Premiere Play by Pamela Eberhardt
Adapted from the book “Wigfield”
Wigfield – the can-do town that just may not! – is shadowed by the Bulkwaller Dam, a structure the government wants to tear down. Since the “residents” (squatters) of Wigfield have built ramshackle structures that violate all ordinances of the fire code… the government has no plans to pay for their relocation and the “town” will be flooded. Wigfield must prove they are a town worth saving and maybe, even recognizing.
DIRECTOR: Arlo Sanders LIGHTING: Jayseph Potter PUBLICITY: Ken Werther MUSIC: Cliff Eberhardt COSTUMES: Pamela Eberhardt POSTERDESIGN: Katrina Olkewicz PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Carrier
CAST: HOLLINGER – Joe Hernandez-Kolski* CINNAMON/PRUNE – Pam Quinn DILLARD/JULIAN – Connor Pratt SAWYER/UDELL – Eric Curtis Johnson*/Jarad Kopciak (6/23, 6/30) ELEANORE/LENARE – Heather Marie Roberts/Henry Kaiser (6/30) HOYT/DOTTIE – Meghan Parks FARBER/RAVEN – Bedjou Jean CARLA/MAEELLA/JUDGE – Emily Clark HALSTEAD/DONNIE – Jeff Scot Carey*/Henry Kaiser (6/22) RUSSELLHOKES – Scott Golden