

dance & physical theatre · Mil Grus · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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JORDAN ROSIN certified reviewer June 15, 2019
An amazingly creative, entertaining, and whimsical experience! Incredible example of ensemble. Easily one of the best shows in Fringe!... full review
JANELLE LUCZON certified reviewer June 25, 2019
tagged as: hilarious · absurd · buffon · clown · delightful · thrilling
Striking! Thrilling! Captivating! I would watch it again and again and again.... full review
JOHN PATRICK DALY certified reviewer June 25, 2019
I have never been more present with an audience experiencing a thing than I was in this show. Disturbing, shocking, hilarious, provocative, and so, so, so weird, I loved every moment of this show and never want to watch it again. Which is good, because each show is bound to be insanely different. ... full review
ERNEST KEARNEY certified reviewer June 12, 2019
MARILYN MINEO certified reviewer June 13, 2019
A delight for the senses! From the moment the lights go down we are whisked away to this playground where these colorful characters tantalize us to play along. Dean Evans masterfully directs this wildly talented troupe. Absurd, abstract, with the right amount of hysteria and brightness. Exciting to see Buffon in LA. A show not to be missed!... full review
KELLEY PIERRE certified reviewer June 15, 2019
If you know what bouffon is- You'll want to see this. If you don't know what bouffon is- You. Will. Want to See. This. "Mil Grus" is the art of mimicry, it's basic human needs from inhuman creatures. They're mocking us- Wait... no? They just need to know that we're ok. It's a dance. It's desperately important nonsense. ... full review
MONA HANOUNI certified reviewer June 15, 2019
Strange, yet strangely lovable!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! This motley crew of mischievous miscreants magically merge and meld onstage and provoke, surprise, and connect with the audience for an uproariously entertaining immersive experience. ... full review
JAKE KORNELY certified reviewer June 17, 2019
Five monsters in matching outfits (that are never quite as scary as they might originally appear) do everything they can to get the audience to love them. It was absurd and silly, and you could tell that the performers weren't sure of what was going to happen next. The show was spontaneous and weird and very, very funny.... full review
BEN HETHCOAT certified reviewer June 18, 2019
tagged as: buffoonery · clowning · experience · weird · fun
I’d never seen clown ‘buffoonery’ before and what a treat it was! There’s something monstrous and spontaneous to the show… which is really more of an experience.... full review
TOMMY FLEMING certified reviewer June 22, 2019
tagged as: brilliant · insane · funny · fiendish
An absurd theatre experience where the performance is your discomfort and the audience is five nightmarish Dr. Seuss gnomes. I throughly enjoyed it. Go expand your mind and laugh your ass off. ... full review
mil grus