First and foremost, it's entertaining. The jokes are good, and the performance by the cast is awesome. It's also a really deep look at the current racial and gender climate in the US, so the play walks a fine line- How do you talk about the perils and pitfalls of being a woman, being black and being gay and make it funny and engaging?
Katrina Joli did it, and it's called Labitity....
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SEE THIS SHOW! It's a terrific, personal, raw, funny and touching investigation of the labels people use to divide ourselves from others. Katrina is incredibly engaging, and she keeps you laughing while she shows you her wounds. This is important, political work, but it in no way feels ponderous. ...
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Besides being funny, zany, irreverent, and entertaining, Labitity has an important message articulately expressed without being didactic. Here is a brave, funny, honest, kind woman sharing some life experiences and the wisdom she acquired in the process about how we limit ourselves by labeling ourselves and others with identity cages (my word). I wouldn't be surprised if this show starts a movement, or at least peaceful protest and discussion about the blurry boundary between normalcy and fringe. Label boxes and Identity cages, beware!...
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certified reviewerJune 20, 2016
The writing was great, and the acting was on point. Loved it. So much to talk about afterwards too....
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Entertaining to the max. Wry humor. Fast moving. Kudos to the ensemble who each played a variety of roles. Strong and gutsy performances from everyone. Excellent direction.
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