Alexus Rhone

Woohoo! I’m Lex, a YA-author and artistic theologian who candidly explores issues of guilt and shame through fiction, story-slams and page-to-stage productions. Through Unshackled Productions, I’ve produced a variety of projects:
“Premature Pleasures: The Play” (the stage adaptation of YA-novel “Premature Pleasures”);
“Drowning My Shame,” a mini-documentary exploring the difference between guilt, shame, and divine conviction;
“Tellebration-LA: Loot Your Life, Share The Wealth”;
“Speak Easy-LA: A Night of R-Rated Storytelling”; and
“Betrayal” (a story slam in conjunction with Via Crucis 2015 Art/Contemplation Exhibit)

I hold a Masters degree in Theology and Art from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and a Bachelor of Journalism/Public Relations degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

alexus rhone