Happy Hour

ensemble theatre · waffles & eggs + venice symphony orchestra · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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CARLY D. WECKSTEIN certified reviewer June 16, 2016
This was a wonderfully spent hour of Fringe! Amazing live music plus a great ensemble of actors embodying very real characters. Simply executed, using just what was needed to tell this lovely story. A relate-able slice of life, watching stories of humans that we know and/or identify with. It's somehow both fun and sad at the same time. I found myself surprisingly moved. I love the lack of clear resolutions and easy happy endings - just like real life. Definitely recommend!!! ... full review
CHRISTOPHER PIEHLER certified reviewer June 06, 2016
What a fun way to spend an hour! Great music, appealing performers, and nicely choreographed movement pieces made this exactly the kind of show I want to see at the Fringe. ... full review
ANGELA SAUER certified reviewer June 07, 2016
Fantastic music. Engaging story-telling. I love seeing plays that are more theatrical than cinematic.... full review
RICHARD ABRAHAM certified reviewer June 07, 2016
Happy Hour is tremendous. It has a recognizable and relatable voice that is also expressed in a unique and energizing way. The music is as essential of a character as any one person on stage and is used to great effect to further reveal who the characters are beneath. Very much enjoyed.... full review
CASEY BROWN certified reviewer June 07, 2016
A well-written, smart, insightful look at what being a twenty-something in today's world is like!... full review
SARAH MITCHELL certified reviewer June 08, 2016
HAPPY HOUR is an honest look into that feeling when things don't turn out the way we think they will and that sometimes "giving up" is just moving forward. The live music, coupled with movement, says everything the group of friends can't to each other as they all face the realities of adulthood. Such a wonderful way to spend an hour! A must see at Fringe! ... full review
GORDON MEACHAM certified reviewer June 12, 2016
tagged as: drama · musical · live band · bar · twenty somethings · angsty
Happy Hour had some really stellar performances and compelling musical interludes. While the plot needed a little ironing out, the actors gave each character the depth and honesty only given by committed artists. I really, really enjoyed the voyeurism of the whole thing and seeing a mirror of the Los Angeles acting community. The play made no apologies for the hypothesis that "no, you probably won't make it as a famous artist," and I enjoyed that brutal honesty. I would not, however, recommend drinking after the show; you may find yourself incredibly depressed. A very compelling, tight piece of theatre that I really respected.... full review
BOB LEGGETT indie voice blog certified reviewer June 13, 2016
A must-see for a complete Fringe experience.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 18, 2016
Loved the show from start to end...the cast was outstanding...the music was wonderful...the festival overall was fantastic!... full review
FREDERICKA MEEK certified reviewer June 18, 2016
I really enjoyed Happy Hour! Great writing, great direction, great acting and great music made for a very enjoyable experience! ... full review