
Dead Dog's Bone: A Birthday Play

2:20 Productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

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SUZANNA NERHEIM certified reviewer June 06, 2015
With a truly clever book, the actors brought to life a piece of theatre to be proud of. Along with strong performances from Juniper and the cast, and the aesthetically pleasing stage direction, props and lighting, Dead Dog's Bone: A Birthday Play, will not disappoint. ... full review
ANN STARBUCK certified reviewer June 07, 2015
Dead Dog's Bone is such a great play. The actors are wonderful, with Julia Finch's Virgin Mary adding both a great narrative drive and empathic commentary, and Luke Medina's Dog stealing the show. (It's hard not to really love the dog who is dying. And Luke's understated delivery makes us love him even more.) It's a family drama, with Hailey McAfee, Sean Draper, Gigi Greene, and Conor Murphy all sharing moments of doubt and love and hope - and trying to figure out how we love and lose all at the same time. Rosie Glen-Lambert's direction is spot on - and I particularly loved the skipping stones. I especially loved discovering Veronica Tjioe's play.... full review
LIJUN WAN certified reviewer June 06, 2015
Sweet and hilarious story between the Dog and the families. The transitions were well designed and very interesting. Large amount of amazing props were very well used. Great energy of the actors. Recommend! ... full review
FLOYD GLEN-LAMBERT certified reviewer June 07, 2015
Brilliantly directed, Dead Dog's Bone's gifted cast takes its audience on a wonderful journey through life's ever-changing twists and turns. Centered around the family dog, Dead Dog's Bone offers a window into one family's relationship over time, while masterfully guiding its audience into the dusty recesses of their own memories and past. Dead Dog's Bone touches on the ongoing internal struggle that we all face about change and the poignant reality that life isn't static. This thought provoking play is filled with heartwarming moments which beckon us all back to days long gone, while reminding us of the fluidity of life. -A must see! ... full review
DAN JH certified reviewer June 21, 2015
It is only once in a while that a play is produced which allows its audience to reflect on its own lifetime of missed opportunities. Dead Dog’s Bone serves as a vibrant example of a riveting roller coaster ride that explores life’s briefest yet most significant moments of love and kinship in a fast-paced episodic rhythm. Written by UC Santa Cruz graduate Veronica Tjioe and directed by fellow alumni Rosie Glenn-Lambert, the play chronicles the final year of Juniper’s family dog as it slowly makes its way to the grave. This is a play for all of us who have lost something special that we just cannot seem to let go of. Dead Dog’s Bone touches us where we are most in need of affection and invites us in to take life as it comes one moment at a tim... full review
HEATHER DOWLING certified reviewer June 25, 2015
tagged as: charming · poignant · clever · creative · fun
Dead Dog's Bone was poignant, charming, creative and FUN! Fringe can be so challenging when you are bring art to life, but this cast and crew boldly created a way to tell their story with creativity and play. The performances were so good and the direction was fresh and inspired. Delightful.... full review
RACHEL RAMBALDI certified reviewer June 30, 2015
It was a marvelous experience all together. A perfectly directed show, with some incredible writing. Truly blew me out of the water. It wasn't your typical show. It made you think you about a whole bunch of things. I truly felt involved throughout it, emotionally and spiritually. If you are looking to see something fresh and different, this is what your looking for. Amazing work. ... full review
SHEILA CLAPKIN certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Very enlightening. Life is life. Well done. Good job!!... full review
SARAH RUBINSTEIN certified reviewer June 14, 2015
Really wonderful! Super creative use of the space. Loved the rock skipping! Great acting and really original script. Bravo!... full review
KATHY MCCONKEY certified reviewer June 14, 2015
tagged as: recommended
Thoroughly enjoyed this show! Especially loved Timothy's Dream and some clever staging -- a great motorcycle scene without the motorcycle!... full review
dead dog's bone: a birthday play