
Stuck with You

Comedy · Late Bloomer Productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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stuck with you
PAYTON JANE certified reviewer June 24, 2023
tagged as: breakup · heartfelt · taylor swift · Comedy
I had the pleasure of seeing this show during its premiere run at USC. Now, after witnessing how the story has evolved for the Fringe this season, I can say with confidence that I loved it then, and I love it now. Stuck With You is entertaining, real, and relatable. ... full review
stuck with you
PATRICIA KU certified reviewer June 17, 2023
The chaos and anxiety was perfect, an absolute must-watch. It’s a whirlwind of an hour, so be prepared to feel all the feelings the show has in store for you… ALL the feelings. Congratulations to all the actors, writers, directors, the whole Stuck With You crew - you did an amazing job.... full review
stuck with you
CAMRYN SUMABAT certified reviewer June 12, 2023
Stuck with You is funny, realistic, and disastrous in a captivating way. The actors did a great job capturing the essence of the characters and the plot was smooth and fun to follow. Watching two people break up is as uncomfortable as it sounds but Stuck with You presented this tragic experience as a hilarious and emotional misadventure that had me and my group laughing out loud.... full review
stuck with you
JACK WALZ certified reviewer June 11, 2023
tagged as: hilarious
A sharp, earnest comedy with great performances! Everyone involved understood the tone of the play quite well, and the actors carried it out with fantastic energy. ... full review
stuck with you
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 11, 2023
tagged as: oneactplay · oneact · romcom
My overall impression was that this was a fun comedy that had some real standout moments. A very interesting and unique plot premise and some outstanding performances. ... full review
stuck with you
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 24, 2023
tagged as: taylor swift · one act · favorite · funny
So much fun! I laughed and shared in the embarrassment of the characters. The content of the show was extremely relatable even if you yourself haven’t been dumped in an escape room. ... full review
stuck with you
ALEX HANNO certified reviewer June 24, 2023
tagged as: escape room · breakup · zany · over the top
A unique take on a classic bad-for-each-other love story that sticks the landing thanks to a fun setting and a great lead performance!... full review
stuck with you
CAROL BECKER certified reviewer June 24, 2023
Escape rooms are supposed to be fun, right??? Right!?! Not in the middle of a break-up. Wowsa! This is a comical premiss set up from the very start of the show and fully explored as two actors have to wade in the thick of what went wrong, why one didn't see it coming, etc. Alas, love can, indeed go sour, but the dramedy was in full bloom with this show from start to finish!... full review
stuck with you
PEREN YESILYURT certified reviewer June 23, 2023
I felt like I was in the escape room with the characters! "Stuck With You" maintained a high and playful energy throughout the show, with hilarious dialogue and design. C'mon Taylor Swift projection! Overall, this play was such a delight, reminding me how lovely (and absolutely hilarious) it is to love as deeply as someone like Julian... and to mysteriously read "The Artist's Way" like Onyx!... full review
stuck with you
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 20, 2023
tagged as: vibrant
A vibrant show with plenty of heart, STUCK WITH YOU stuck with me! The creative direction behind the show was cohesive and sparked joy and introspection.... full review
stuck with you