This show is definitely not Snowflake Theatre. For the squeamish or thin-skinned, I recommend seeing this before a meal, not after. On a side note, if the (watered down) Braveheart film script were completely accurate from beginning to end, the gore alone would have eliminated any possibility for studio funding. Once you see this show, you'll understand why. Although the sheer brutality of these 13th Century battles is truly shocking, this show is important and necessary to understand Scottish (and English) history. Fortunately, performer Alex McSherry has the grit and chops to deliver a powerful story....
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I WOULD WATCH THIS OVER BRAVEHEART ANY DAY. Total powerhouse performance and excellent story teller. I was with him from beginning to end. Y'all have to go and watch this goddamned show!...
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SCOTT LEGGETTtheatre theater podcast certified reviewerJune 22, 2022
A magnificent performance of an utterly enthralling play. ...
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A NoHo Arts theatre review of “The Tanner,” written and performed by Alex McSherry, and produced by Fringe Management and Samantha de Gyarfas at this year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Alex McSherry is no stranger to Fringe. Although this is his first Hollywood Fringe Festival, he has more than 30 Edinburgh Fringe shows under his belt, as well as 40 years in the business of acting, writing and directing. His latest play, “The Tanner” combines his love of history with his love of writing and performing, and chronicles the battles fought against the English by the infamous and much loved Scott, William Wallace. Being a tanner is his trade, but like many men in his day, he fought for his country when called upon, and he was called upon many...
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Alex McSherry takes his clue from historian John Keegan in his rousing history of William Wallace (Braveheart) as told from a common foot soldier's viewpoint.......
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PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewerJune 14, 2022
7.8 out of 10 – Above Average! Click the link below to learn more:
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