
Solo Show · john heimbuch · Ages 10+ · United States of America

one person show
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DAVID LUCARELLI certified reviewer June 15, 2022
tagged as: captivating
This is not the dull translation you were forced to read in high school. This is you, young warrior, sitting at the king's hearth, tipsy with mead in the great hall as you sit enraptured by one of the magical bards as he calls to life a tale of one of the great heroes of yore, and outside the night closes in, and the monster approaches!... full review
JENNA WADSWORTH MCCARTY certified reviewer June 15, 2022
Beowulf becomes accessible! It did not take long for my mind to meld with the rhythm of the language of this production of Beowulf translated to modern language by Charlie Bethel and flawlessly performed by John Heimbuch. John transports us with the ease of a master bard. On the simplest of sets, John’s embodied performance is all we need to clearly see the visceral scenes he portrays. ... full review
FRED BLANCO certified reviewer June 17, 2022
tagged as: Engaging
Top notch storytelling. I was engaged the whole time. He uses the stage simply but masterfully. ... full review
ERIK ENGMAN certified reviewer June 18, 2022
One man. One chair. One glad of water. But yet for that hour of masterful storytelling I was transported to an ancient land full of dragons, demons, heroes, and kings. The language, for the most part, was rich and colourful. The use of the very small space conveyed everything from epic battlefields to cramped caves. Highly recommend. ... full review
PATRICK THOFSON certified reviewer June 17, 2022
Held my attention for the full hour of amazing story telling. ... full review
ELLIOT WHITE certified reviewer June 15, 2022
tagged as: grand · funny · classic · Great Acting · Engaging
With a masterful handle on the language, John Heimbuch delivers an incredibly entertaining piece of theatre. Best of all, he includes the audience every step of the way. It felt like he was making the story with us, just for us, as if we are all around the campfire and he, in an act as brave as Beowulf himself, reinacts the entire story!... full review
WILLARD MANUS total theater certified reviewer June 09, 2022
tagged as: See my review
Here is the link to my review in Lively-Arts full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 08, 2022
I thought John gave a masterful performance. His mastery of the language, physicality, space and story was unprecedented. He truly creates the world for the audience!... full review
SHAWN ASHLEY certified reviewer June 08, 2022
What a beautiful and special show, as performed by John Heimbuch. I think everyone should go see this show to remind us what good storytelling really is. Brilliant acting makes us think it's so easy, when in reality, John left every particle of himself for us on that blank stage- a stage that he made look full of warriors, dragons and kings for a solid hour.... full review
IAN MCDONALD certified reviewer June 07, 2022
tagged as: minimalist · exciting · funny
A stunning, minimalist adaptation of Beowulf. Thrilling and poetic and laugh-out-loud funny. Brilliantly performed. Couldn’t have asked for more.... full review