
Title Pending

Solo Show · Heather Tyson · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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NAOMI GROSSMAN certified reviewer June 10, 2023
So vulnerable... so raw... so real. Heather is a force on stage. Her story, and ability with which she tells it is powerful and well-worth seeing!... full review
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LILLI SWIHART certified reviewer July 02, 2023
tagged as: #Fringe Festuval
To describe the topic of this piece of theater would not do it justice. This play is subtle, a slow obsorb, and not uncommon. In the program the artist says "I care about my story and I care about yours." That means more to me this morning than when I read it before the play. The story is about a deferred life , waiting for your turn and your turn never comes. It is the story for so many people, especially women of a certain age. The way it is told is exceptional. So much craft in writing and telling went into this play. She gots inside of me as she checked my boxes. The super efficent at work Heather, the woman inside that woman, her mother in her head, and the man ," her person".who she supported till it would be her turn, all played... full review
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JESSICA COHEN certified reviewer June 11, 2023
Powerful... full review
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PAIGE WILHIDE certified reviewer June 12, 2023
tagged as: divorce · solo · well-written · deep · powerful · heartbreaking
Outstanding!!! I was so deeply moved by this show. It was one of my favorite shows of Fringe so far.... full review
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FRANK FORTE certified reviewer June 11, 2023
tagged as: serious · Comedy · drama · dark · funny
Funny, tragic and personal. Heather weaves a heart-rending story of love, dreams and loss in a way that really makes you feel for her character. A funny juxtaposition between her character's day job as a traveling corporate manager and her off hours, let's you see into who this person really is. Beware--a dark twist is coming. Heart warming and inspirational, I'd love to see more of Heather's work.... full review
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SUSAN BARBER certified reviewer June 18, 2023
Run, don't walk, to see this incredible show, and performance by Heatger Tyson. Though today is the last official performance, this show has been selected for a an extended run in July!... full review
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ELENA ROSA certified reviewer June 22, 2023
tagged as: #cinematic
A cinematic journey cut with grit and heartache. ... full review
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VALERIE OJEDA certified reviewer June 24, 2023
My entire life is now PENDING after this show! How can I even begin to describe an experience that touched me so deeply and profoundly, in so many ways and for so many reasons? Heather Tyson’s performance in “Title Pending” has been forever imprinted into the depths of my soul. I laughed almost as much as I wept… and I waterfall wept… hard. One word: IMPECCABLE.... full review
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DAN PREVETTE certified reviewer June 23, 2023
Buckle up, this show rocks. Heather is a stone cold pro and she floors the gas right off the starting line. The show is funny, razor sharp, and hits you like a head on collision. You can't look away. Heather is an incredible performer, making emotional hairpin turns from heartbroken to laugh out loud moments look like light work. I loved it.... full review
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 21, 2023
tagged as: inspiring · passionate · heartfelt
I thought Title Pending was a wonderful show, full of laughter and some pain. Definitely an emotional roller coaster that takes you up and down the entire show. Really pulls at your heart strings, but is a show that can appeal to almost anyone, no matter where they are in life. ... full review
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