What I liked
I was awed by the many different characters and scenes Samantha was able to create in a solo show, especially one that wasn’t supposed to be solo. Samantha demonstrates trauma-informed care practices as part of her storytelling, not in an “educational” way but in a fully embodied, dramatic experience that left me with the kind of cry I’ve needed for a long long time. HYDRATE FOLKS. Because the emotional beats were so weighty, the laughs and relief are just as profound. The show leaves you grateful to have a body, and boundaries, and time. Samantha has a beautiful voice and a vibrant presence onstage, and while I’m sure she’s human with the same trepidations as the rest of us, she comes across as absolutely fearless in the writing and performance of this show.
What I didn't like
As Samantha keeps developing and refining the themes and connections of the show, I’m excited to see what if anything she pushes further or sets aside for another show. I loved the gendered insults song, for example, but I wondered if it was the right fit for this project as I retraced all the thematic moments that connect and build on eachother so beautifully.
My overall impression
An incredible accomplishment—Samantha’s vulnerability, honesty, and grace bring the audience on a humorous and heartfelt journey alongside her. Finding the humor in loss and trauma, presenting it with so much compassion for herself and Brit, and the audience, helps us come through our own experiences with more empathy and stability. I’m so appreciative of the time I got to spend with Samantha, her guardian angel, and Brit, her comedy partner and right hand lady in absentia.