Pulse of the City

coconut theatre productions · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere
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JAMES LAWSON certified reviewer August 15, 2021
AMAZING! I am a big fan of the theatre and of course have missed the live performances. Thanks to technology, we can experience theatre virtually. We are in the midwest and grateful that we had an opportunity to enjoy this performance. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.... full review
ANDRE COLEMAN certified reviewer August 15, 2021
Great production - and it worked amazingly well over virtually. ... full review
SHAKURRA AMATULLA certified reviewer August 15, 2021
tagged as: True-to-Life · vibrant · moving
Excellent production in the light of the limitations of a virtual performance.... full review
LISA BROWN certified reviewer September 26, 2021
I thought the story connected all of the individual characters personal lives into a perfect web, or better known as the pulse of the city, it showed the importance and need for people to really see each other, and seek to understand each other. I also thought that Courtney comer’s character personified how we don’t notice what we don’t like, her acting was stellar, in class all by itself, overall I enjoyed the entire performances as a whole. Courtney thank you for writing this stage play, I am so grateful for your body of work love Lisa & Phillip... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer August 29, 2021
This was so amazing all the cast was phemonal. A lot of school needs to show this to their students. Everything they talk about is true about police brutality, racism, etc. I'm so proud of my cousin Courtney who wrote this play. ... full review
LORINDA HAWKINS SMITH certified reviewer August 26, 2021
Wow. Can't wait to see this production mounted. Definitely triggering. Well acted. Well directed. Writing was profound. Brava Courtney and cast. ... full review
LORRIE OSHATZ certified reviewer August 23, 2021
I thought this was an outstanding presentation! The play was beautifully written and the actors were all exceptional. I also thought the zoom medium was used very successfully along with the inclusion of the stage directions. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer August 23, 2021
What a ride!! A virtual performance that kept the theater feel. I look forward to seeing this one day on a full stage. ... full review
AUDUNNI ANDERSON certified reviewer August 14, 2021
What a delightfully unexpected evening (I'm on the east cost - EST) of theater. The talented cast and engaging storylines all intertwined to create a wonderfully engaging and impactful production. PULSE OF THE CITY, so appropriately titled, captured timely yet timeless topics. Well done!!... full review