
No Matter Watt - The Musical!

Gordon Stephen Matheson Jr · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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no matter watt - the musical!


August 11, 2021 certified reviewer

What I liked

I really like how the playwright shares the raw authenticity of what it’s like to take that first step into recovery, as well as enduring the challenges of juggling recovery with daily life. And putting such a personal journey to music makes the show even more unique and engaging. Also, I’m a Jeremy Ebenstein fan, and I never knew he had such a beautiful singing voice!

What I didn't like

Work on fleshing out the story more. I feel like we need to see those “deleted scenes” that are still in the playwright’s head in order for us to truly appreciate the depth of the show’s message.

My overall impression

Although I think this was an ambitious attempt at a musical with a powerful message, it could’ve packed an even more powerful punch if the story arc were more well-developed. The connective tissue between the musical numbers is not there, which leaves the viewer with questions in terms of character motivation and story flow. Right now this feels like a work-in-progress. The lyrics in the musical numbers gives us some insight, but I would love to see this again after a rewrite that brings out more of the narrative story.

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no matter watt - the musical!