

ensemble theatre · The Waverly Writers Collective · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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SUSAN DINOS certified reviewer June 22, 2019
I was lucky enough to be a part of the very first reading of Hoboken. I read the part of Sam. After all of these years it was so exciting to see a full production of it. I was great watching Talmage in the part of Jack. He and I were both apart of the first reading of it, so it was wonderful to see it come full circle and see him in the part of stage. Great job everyone!... full review
JESSICA RUBINSTEIN certified reviewer June 22, 2019
I was surprised there was a 90 minute play in Fringe, but was pleasantly surprised as the concept is very heavy, keeps you watching, and the acting was incredible. ... full review
CANDICE PERKINS certified reviewer June 26, 2019
Hoboken is a well written play with relatable issues that we face today, especially the city life, and each character's dark secret locks you in, which made the whole 90 minute play entertaining from beginning to end. ... full review
PATRICK CHAVIS certified reviewer June 10, 2019
tagged as: hoboken · New York · sex
7.1 out of 10 - Average Show! Click the link below to learn more. full review
AMY ARGYLE certified reviewer June 11, 2019
tagged as: drama · Relationships · betrayal
Once you understand what the show is about on a deeper level, ya leave a bit shell shocked. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 15, 2019
Amazing play, great actors and actresses. ... full review
KATYA KOMPANEYETS certified reviewer June 15, 2019
tagged as: fast moving · fun.
Great show, lots of turns and twists. Very entertaining.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 18, 2019
Hoboken is a well written play with interesting characters, where the each have a dark secret and the play takes us through where we/the audience wants to find out their secrets.... full review
BRIGHT EYES certified reviewer June 17, 2019
tagged as: well-acted · sexy · mystery
Well-acted drama which holds your attention, largely because of the growing suspicion that, as the plot unfolds, something is amiss. I kept waiting for another shoe to drop and it sort of does eventually. Intriguing....and sexy.... full review
TIM FRAZIER certified reviewer June 18, 2019
tagged as: thriller · well-acted · topical · Engaging · mystery
Well-acted and engaging. Fun twists I didn’t expect and dark ones that left me wondering how I would have reacted. ... full review