Oracles & Miracles, by Norelle Scott, based on the best-selling novel Oracles and Miracles by Stevan Eldred-Grigg, follows the journey of two working-class sisters growing up in Christchurch, New Zealand. Born in 1929 they are children of the Depression. They grow to adulthood through the time of the Second World War and become mothers in the Baby Boom of the early fifties. Nick-named Ginnie and Fag the sisters are driven by the hope of a better life, consumed with love stories, romantic ideals, luxuries beyond their reach and the desire to be loved. Told with humour, passion, insight, and authenticity, ‘Oracles & Miracles’ celebrates the lives of courageous women.
This production marks the 30 year Anniversary of Stevan Eldred-Grigg’s powerful novel and the North American debut of Norelle Scott’s play directed by Leah Patterson winner of the Best Director Award at the Hollywood Short+Sweet Festival 2016. INSTAGRAM: @oraclesandmiracles BROADWAYWORLD: NEWZEALANDHERALD: ENCORE! PRODUCERSAWARDS: SHOWORKS! DON’T WAITCREATE! Award nomination: