- The two leads, who imbued the central couple with life, zest, and personality.
- The two supporting actors, who deftly added counterpoint and conflict through a handful of ancillary characters, richly depicted despite short timeframes.
- That this was an original fictional story without any external agenda, and not a commentary contingent on some other work of art or political event. Simple but rich, it was pure original storytelling addressing fundamental human values with benevolent intent. I wish there were more like this at the Hollywood Fringe.
What I didn't like
The ongoing narrational device – where the two leads alternately recount and re-enact their past – starts abruptly and can be a little disorienting at first. That said, we acclimatize to it in short order.
My overall impression
A funny and compassionate chronicle of a couple’s romantic life, full of lovable nuance, detail, and personality. A story rich with particulars, which in turn make it more universal.