Michael Gordon Shapiro

Frequent Fringe audience member, occasional composer/lyricist/writer of Fringe musicals. Can be stalked more thoroughly at www.mikemusic.com .

Past Fringe-ular credits:

Composer, book writer, lyricist of GIDEON AND THE BLUNDERSNORP (HFF 2021) Winner, Best Musical, Encore Producer’s Award, Pick of the Fringe. https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/6761 or www.gideonmusical.com

Composer, book writer, lyricist of THE BULLY PROBLEM. (2019) Winner, Encore Producer’s Award. 2019 Pick of the Fringe. Nominated for seven awards including Best Musical, Top of the Fringe, and Fringe First. Take a gander at hff19.org/5900 or www.thebullyproblem.com

Composer, book writer, lyricist for A FEAST OF SNACKS (2016). Nominated for Best Musical.

Composer, lyricist for SUPER SIDEKICK: THE MUSICAL (2011). Best of Fringe selection. 

michael gordon shapiro