

ensemble theatre · Gnomad Theater Company · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere

About the Project

PERVERT is a new take on the classic cautionary tale of lust for power and hubris, set against the backdrop of a working-class neighborhood, that takes a deeper look at the people and things that truly allow politicians to win or… lose.

Titus Freeman was supposed to be the politician of the new millenium, a fresh Senate candidate worthy of representing the great state of California.

A former longshoreman from Boyle Heights, turned union leader, turned Democratic candidate, his election was all but certain until a scandal exploded online overnight involving his twenty-year-old wife (18 years his junior). Now their relationship is under intense scrutiny and public debate, as well as rumors of a deeply buried family secret…

‘Pervert’ questions political and personal norms, and examines the way past sins can be unearthed and exposed in the digital age. Titus must choose between family and business more than once, and must reconcile the gap between personal morals and good politics in order to truly work for the greater good.

Production Team

Nick Howard

nick howard *

colt wallace
Robert Watkins

robert watkins *

titus freeman
Doug Kiphut

doug kiphut *

co-producer /stage manager

* Fringe Veteran
