

comedy · Nargi Deming Productions · Ages 18+ · United States of America

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ROSIE GLEN-LAMBERT certified reviewer June 06, 2015
Very strong and passionate work performed by two gifted comediennes who simultaneously created poignant and hilarious moments. Loved watching the characters develop as the play progressed, and found the strange friendship formed between the two just the right amount uncomfortable and touching. So inspiring to see two women do a show with strong characters that spoke and behaved like autonomous REAL women, and kick ass while doing it! Bravo ladies! I went to a pay what you can preview, but this show is worth the $12! ... full review
ANN STARBUCK certified reviewer June 07, 2015
Commencing is a great one-act about people connecting, portrayed by two funny comedic actors. Paula Deming and Laura Nargi have great chemistry together. I loved the twists and turns of the play and watching these actresses naviate those moments.... full review
NANCY NARGI certified reviewer June 12, 2015
Commencing is a great one-act play. It is funny and entertaining as well as thoughtful and poignant. Both actresses did a fabulous job. I think it is a great deal for $12. ... full review
NINA LEONARD certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Commencing is an incredibly moving portrait of two women, of expectations, love, loss, addiction, renewal, and friendship. Well-acted and well-written, this is well worth your time and patronage!... full review
ILENE VAL-ESSEN certified reviewer June 13, 2015
The writing, directing, and acting were all superb. Kept my attention and touched me personally. Would recommend it to men and women. ... full review
JESSE CHIN certified reviewer June 14, 2015
Loved this show. Great cast and great performances with a wonderful script. A truly refreshing experience of the dating scene from an uncommonly expressed perspective. Heartfelt performances really sell the show. A fringe festival must-see!!... full review
TARA DONOVAN certified reviewer June 14, 2015
This was an interesting and entertaining production. So nice to see a unique story about two women.... full review
JENNIFER ASHE certified reviewer June 15, 2015
Commencing starts out with mistaken expectations and goes deeper into human connection than one might have expected. Once they settled in, both Paula Deming and Laura Nargi are a strong team examining loneliness, addiction and ultimately human kindness. I enjoyed taking this journey with them. Put this on your list!... full review
SAVANNAH DOOLEY certified reviewer June 18, 2015
tagged as: funny · Feminist · charming · emotional
As a queer lady I'm used to seeing a lot of cliche, predictable queer art. But this witty script kept me guessing all the way to the end. It's really funny, but also delves into dark territory as the two women reveal themselves to each other and us. A show like this requires two strong actors to carry it and they don't disappoint, playing the interwoven comedy and drama with aplomb. Laura Nargi brings a guileless charm to the too-blunt character of Kelli. Paula Deming endears in a very different way as the more awkward, reserved Arlin, who I would totally date because I'm into angry feminist rants.... full review
MADISON SHEPARD certified reviewer June 26, 2015
This show was one of my favorite at Fringe this year. Brilliantly cast and written. We recommend this as a must see at the end of our show because we honestly can't get the word out enough. Great job ladies!... full review