
The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025

comedy · Village Idiom Productions · Ages 14+ · United States of America

world premiere
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AILI JAY certified reviewer June 08, 2015
A fantastic show that will make you laugh! This show is a well done parody of a fringe festival, it does not take itself too seriously at all. The actors are top notch and offer a variety of comedic styles. The structure of the show is great, filling the hour well and engaging me the whole time. ... full review
CAROLYN LAROCCA certified reviewer June 08, 2015
tagged as: fun · funny · clever
Really fun and funny show that doesn't take itself too seriously! Solid performances with a cast that plays many different characters (and quick costume changes). A go see for Fringe 2015. Village Idiom Productions has done it again! ... full review
DARREN MANGLER certified reviewer June 08, 2015
Superb sketch comedy from musicals to classic dialog to dick jokes. It has everything from a simply fun set to multiple costume changes to puppets. Blanchette and Smith write something new and fresh that doesn't hold back, fail to surprise or leave any Fringe cliche' left un-kicked in the marble bag. Corey Lynn Howe has catapulted into one of the best director/ producers of the Fringe Festival. ... full review
LAURA CARSON certified reviewer June 08, 2015
tagged as: a blast · hysterical · clever
Very funny! I had a blast. The fact that everyone plays about 20 different characters each with frantic costume changes, general mayhem, and witty writing makes it a great time. Super fun! ... full review
JIM MARTYKA certified reviewer June 09, 2015
This show is a trip and a half! It's an absolutely hysterical parody of everything we love about not just Fringe but indy theatre in general. Two wonderfully abstract writers have put together a true romp in every sense of the word and the cast, under the leadership of their mania-loving but disciplined director throws caution to the wind and goes for it in all its bizarre glory. There are some moments in this show that had me crying I was laughing so hard. These guys and gals aren't afraid to poke loving fun at the theatre or themselves. It's a perfect Fringe show and one that will have you looking at others and the festival as a whole in a new light! Go see it and have some fun! ... full review
GRAYDON SCHLICHTER certified reviewer June 07, 2015
If a freight train and a roller coaster, met and fell in love their child might grow up to be ALBUQUERQUE FRINGE 2025 or Al-Fri (as the kids are calling it) but only if it were then raised by a pack of irreverent jokers hell-bent on skewering everything we love (and love to hate) about Fringe festivals. The show is exactly what it says on the tin i.e. clips of the best of the fictional future festival of the piece's title. But knowing this does nothing to defang the humor that is to come. From the introduction of our hosts, played marvelously by co-writer Jacob Smith and actress Lauren Flans, the laughs start and they do not stop. And whatever your sacred theatrical cow, be it musicals, stage adaptations of film, "classics", or somet... full review
CATHLEEN CASH certified reviewer June 12, 2015
Jim Blanchette and Jacob Smith write a fabulous script. They bring to the stage the lunacy behind any theater festival, and do it without apology, and without a filter. With any festival comes its own set of commonalities, even common eccentricities, and The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025 joyfully thrashes every aspect of the Indie theater festival experience. It's not an Oscar-nod adaptation of a Fringe's a FARCE of a Fringe Festival. In other words, it's She's The Man, NOT Ten Things I Hate About You. There are a LOT of laughs in this show. The cast throw themselves into every character (of which there are dozens) and every joke (of which there are hundreds). It's an ambitious parody, cutting down equally all sorts of Fri... full review
ERIC CIRE certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Some really great performing and writing in this piece, perfectly placed in the middle of the Hollywood Fringe. The people involved are unbelievably charming and funny, and the sharp and creative bits are all performed with obvious love, joy, and a hugely fun sense of playfulness and humor.... full review
DANIELLE COLLINS certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Pure comedic gold. I went into this show not really sure of what to expect, and was immediately captured by the clever writing and stellar performances of the cast. If you're looking for a lighthearted romp that will leave your sides aching from laughter, then look no farther than The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025. ... full review
GORDON MEACHAM certified reviewer June 17, 2015
tagged as: edgy · satirical · funny · variety act · irreverent
It's really funny. The acts take a little while to get going, but once you get into the drollness of the piece, it really takes off. If you're tired of common topics and concepts for small and/or avant-garde theatre and the personalities that roll with that, then Albuqueef Fronge 2025 is the show you gotta see. The Belgian joke show is ... sublime. Make sure you don't eat the chocolate they give you at the ticket booth. Trust me. You get an opportunity to do so much more with it, that is, assuming schadenfreude is something you feel strongly about.... full review
the best of albuquerque fringe 2025