Ryan is Lost

comedy · awake/unafraid · Ages 14+ · United States

world premiere
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 29, 2013
This was a challenging scenario for both actors and yet they kept the audience riveted throughout with their ability to capture each emotion and make it their own.It is not often that one is fortunate enough to see quality, raw acting ability such as that shown by these 2 actors. Conversation among fellow viewers after the play was interesting in the varied perceptions of the actors' interpretations of their characters. This was not an easy play to watch, but I was so impressed with the level of professionalism and acting ability displayed......great job ... full review
GRANISON CRAWFORD certified reviewer July 14, 2013
This was one most entertaining experiences I've had all year. Two people talking should never be so dam awesome! From the start to the finish I loved and cared about the characters. The performances were dynamic and genuine, and I believed every moment. I haven't seen a play that incorporated such richly woven humor into a dark setting. So glad I came. Seriously, loved it.... full review
RYAN JOHNSON certified reviewer July 14, 2013
Usually any play that consists entirely of two people on a stage talking is something to avoid. Too many playwrights think that they're going to be the next best thing to happen to theater by writing yet another absurdist/existensial play about futility of life and end up boring the hell out of you by not having anything happen. However, they aspire to this trope because every once in awhile, an outlier will show that that construct can lead to something magical. 'Ryan is Lost' is such an outlier. First of all, it's highly entertaining. Wellman has a taut, lean script that allows no time for wallowing. Instead you're pummeled with rapid-fire bickering between two unsavory characters. Despite their ineptitude, the result is something u... full review
ALEX SCOTT certified reviewer July 15, 2013
Ryan Is Lost, a two person dark comedy has a promising premise, and great potential, sadly though, it doesn't quite to live up to what it fully could be. The acting is a bit repetitive, and rarely are the choices made by either actor very interesting to watch. While the script is good, it leaves me a bit too confused and I too began to feel like the titular character, LOST - questioning and second guessing the characters on stage, wishing Wellman would explore perhaps the most interesting concept presented in the show.... WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO RYAN? The brother / sister pair of Leslie Murphy and David Haverty seem to lack the right emotional connection to truly be brother and sister. Concepts / new ideas/ new plot points come out of... full review
IAN FEDERGREEN certified reviewer June 25, 2013
A profoundly damaged brother and sister await the return of their missing nephew in a Godot-like mall. These are two great performances, especially from Leslie Murphy, who imbues her character with a beautiful fragility and sad longing. The direction is spot on, but the play is still two lost souls on a bench for an hour. The lady to my right said it was brilliant and the lady to my left fell asleep- I'm somewhere between the two. fringeblog.webs.com... full review
BOB LEGGETT examiner.com certified reviewer June 30, 2013
I have never been so profoundly touched or seen such as stirring demonstration of sibling rivalry as I did through the eyes of this play. Both Haverty and Murphy are outstanding in their performance, as secrets are revealed and the purpose of their waiting are left in the aftermath of their interactions. This is a must see performance and worthy of a Best of Fringe extension.... full review