Kevin Klein

Kevin Klein is a 26 year old performer currently residing in Santa Monica, CA. He majored in Theatre at Cal State Long Beach where he studied movement under the tutelage of David Bridel. Kevin has toured Southern California in “Shakespeare by the Sea”- a dual production tour affiliated with the Little Fish Theatre Co. Kevin also played Pere Ubu/Cottis in UBU THE SHIT, which received critic’s top choice in Backstage West (2008). Kevin has studied Commedia Del Arte with master director Marco Luly, starring as Capitano in his original production DOCTOR HARLEQUIN. Since June 2010, Kevin has been involved with Four Clowns- an original production. The show has won numerous awards including winner for “Best in Dance and Physical Theatre” (Hollywood Fringe Festival 2010) and “Top of Fringe” (San Francisco Fringe Festival 2011). Four Clowns adapted Romeo and Juliet in July 2011 where it swept the awards in the 2011 Hollywood Fringe Festival (Best World Premier, Top of Fringe, and Best in Dance and Physical Theatre). Kevin toured with Four Clowns during the summer of 2011 performing in Phoenix, Chicago, Indianapolis, Minnesota, Las Vegas, and San Francisco.