In a world premier, leading, published Los Angeles poets Nicelle Davis, Bill Ratner, and Hanna Pachman, stage their original poems, directed by Anthony Sannazzaro, at The Actors Company (Other Space Theater) Thursday night, June 8, 2023, at 8pm, and Saturday, June 10, at 5:30pm. The performing poets are calling it a collage play in verse in which they present their poetic takes on the cosmos, Adam & Eve, womanhood, manhood, STDs, and the sounds their lips make. Fringe veteran Ratner says, "Taking our poems from the page to the stage is like birthing wet babies on unicycles. Breathing theater air and having friends along for the ride make it a magic aural festival of words. " • • • • @amsannazzaro
The Actors Company (Other Space Theater) 916 N. Formosa Avenue Los Angeles CA 90046
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