
Wounded, by Jiggs Burgess

P3 Theatre Company · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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wounded, by jiggs burgess
MICHELLE HOLMES certified reviewer July 01, 2023
I can't stop thinking about it. One of the best new plays I've ever seen. The acting was breathtaking, the direction brilliant, the production top-notch, and the writing as good or better than the best! There's one more show, on July 8, and you have no excuse for not seeing it if you can. It should be SRO!!... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
JOCELYN WRIGHT certified reviewer June 30, 2023
Visually they achieved a great look in the most stripped down black box space. The acting was powerful, fusing cunning insights and vulnerability to lull the audience into a sense that they knew these people only to explode that comfort with shocking truths and bitter nostalgia. It was a great piece of theater.... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
JAYNE MARIN certified reviewer June 27, 2023
Question asked, "what is your general impression of the show?" Honestly, there is nothing general about the artists of the show and the storyline has twists and turns. From the get go, before the show even started, the compelling life of Craig Taggart's character already began. He was so full of life and behavior I couldn't turn attention elsewhere. The tension only rose when Shaw's character entered. The magic between these two characters was so compelling it had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was happening next. I was completely impinged when the play took an unexpected a turn. This is truly a play to see and not miss. Award winning performances by both actors and the writing is nothing short of its own awards. It was the be... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
JILLIAN BROTMAN certified reviewer June 27, 2023
This was honestly the best art-come-to-life I have ever seen on a stage. It was absolutely stunning. The acting, the writing, the way it flowed. The whole range of human emotions were woven together in a really beautiful and unique way. I cannot praise this enough. ... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
TAYLOR MOORE certified reviewer June 22, 2023
This was one of the most profound and poignant pieces of art I've seen in Los Angeles and frankly, in my life. Beautiful words from Jiggs Burgess put into the skilled and masterful hands of actors like Craig Taggart and Shaw Jones with insightful direction by Spencer Frankeberger is a recipe for brilliance.... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 17, 2023
It’s the only show I’ve seen but I can’t imagine the their being a better short play, top to bottom, beginning to end. Super story & writing and the acting by Craig Taggert and Shaw Jones is incredible. Congrats!... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 17, 2023
tagged as: real. · honest · deep · incredible
What the heck just happened? So real, so raw, so vulnerable!!! Absolutely awesome!... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
DEBBIE BRITT certified reviewer June 12, 2023
tagged as: warriors · Struggle · drama · heartfelt · powerful · difficult
This was a powerful struggle between two men, their vastly different insights into life, and the way they've learned to cope with the challenges they've faced. All is not what it seems in this piece.... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
TOM AYERS certified reviewer June 12, 2023
Definitely must see. Yes it's incredibly emotional, it's written that way. It's called Wounded and it was named correctly. These amazing talented experienced actors are on fire and having a blast being these broken characters. ... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess
ROB STEVENS certified reviewer June 10, 2023
Interesting and involving.... full review
wounded, by jiggs burgess