The costuming was phenomenal. It reminded me of the Snake Oil Salesman (The Wizard) from the Wizard of OZ. Ernest is a true original. There is only ONE Ernest at the Hollywood Fringe Fest. His Manager/Producer is also one of the kindest and sweetest people I’ve met this year. Congratulations Ernest.
What I didn't like
That plastic thingie
My overall impression
Ernest is an extremely passionate actor. I had trouble seeing where Ernest ended and the character began and I believe that is the job of any great performer. I’ve known Ernest as a Theater Critic and with this performance I now know him as also an outstanding performer. I have even more respect for his credentials as a Theater Critic now. I have always appreciated and respected his enduring support for the Fringe Community. Not being a fan of the SATAN branding I had a lot to overcome to get the ticket but I came away educated. Not necessarily what Robert may have wanted but a new conviction towards Forgiveness,Hope, and Childlike Faith.