The David Lynch fan in me loves how deep this show drilled into his work, but none of this would have worked if it wasn’t lovingly portrayed by its phenomenal cast. Every line is given as though each actor stepped right out of Twin Peaks or Blue Velvet. Perfect Hair, perfect wardrobe, perfect voices. The show happens all around you in the dream-like quality you would expect from anything with David Lynch in its title. The sharp spotlight cutting through the smoke, the dream-pop quality of the songs, the obvious sexuality of the dance routines. I can go on and on.
What I didn't like
The only thing I could say against this show is how goddamned uncomfortable the chairs are. If you have issues with your back or hips, bring your own chair. Also like works of David Lynch, this show refuses to end when you expect or want it to. As Lynch says himself, “Art takes time!”
My overall impression
Just like anything David Lynch does, this show gave me more than I could have possibly expected. This isn’t just a string of Lynch references and it’s more than an homage, it’s a wild ride of a Lynchian story with every familiar element of all the things you love about Davis Lynch as an artist. Even the most esoteric detail of his work is used and not just thrown in your face, it’s a part of the story, and it’s your story, and you are the story, and do you smell fish?