
Resilient AF: Rising to the Occasion

Solo Show · Soaring Solo · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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resilient af: rising to the occasion


June 15, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

I liked the willingness of the content and the performer to be so transparent about her internal journey. She is a deep diver in life and art and was generous in the transmission of her lived experiences, her challenges, and graceful recovery.
Her Characters were well cultivated and developed with shadow and light. A joy to see that!

I love the topic around the need to be more trauma-informed. The show itself deeply educates about our need for that, for ourselves and others!

I felt moved, felt stirred, and felt permission to cry and heal along with her. The show has powerful intentions and influence.
It was an honor to receive her story.
Thank you.

What I didn't like


My overall impression

Brave, resilient, revealing … Her shame character was my favorite!

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resilient af: rising to the occasion