
Resilient AF: Rising to the Occasion

Solo Show · Soaring Solo · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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resilient af: rising to the occasion
STEVE MCDONALD certified reviewer June 23, 2022
tagged as: vulnerable · Authentic · powerful
A powerful, authentic, remarkably vulnerable performance by the multi-talented Kamakshi Hart.... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
SHEILA SILVER certified reviewer June 20, 2022
tagged as: strong · honest · powerful
What a show! What a talent! Kamakshi puts every breath and beat of her heart into this important story of not only survival but more importantly, of resiliency. The story, script and characters - all brilliant. Kamakshi inspires, and we applaud their total effort. Highly recommend.... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
ALISON FREEBAIRN-SMITH certified reviewer June 19, 2022
Once again, Kamakshi let's it all hang out as she invites us into her past, a past most people can relate to in one way or another, where those who were supposed to have your back let you down, or worse. She is a brave soul. I found myself tearing up several times, but there were also many opportunities to laugh, even in the heavier moments. ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
MAYRA MCCULLOUGH certified reviewer June 17, 2022
My overall impression was being in awe of the fun to be had with 'playing' trauma and transformation for an audience. Kamakshi's sense of humor and sensibilities in opening her book to the world makes it all light as much as important, important for life to be watched like a play because, in reality, that's all it is! I've appreciated the view of life being a movie/play for a long time, you know, Quantum Physics et al, and Kamakshi created an experience for me where I could experience it first hand! ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
CHARLIE SAYLAN certified reviewer June 07, 2022
Kamakshi did a great job of bringing her personal evolution to light and showing the power of resilience as a healing super-power. ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
JANE FAULKNER certified reviewer June 07, 2022
Kamakshi's performance was a tour de force. She skillfully transitioned from character to character, never missing a beat, interweaving her uplifting singing and movement to perfectly compliment the storyline. Her topic is raw and she masterfully demonstrates that truth and victory emerge when we become present to our deepest shame and biggest fears. Bravo Kamakshi!!! ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
FARION PEARCE certified reviewer June 13, 2022
Important exposure and education! A MUST SEE!! ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
DAVID HARRIS certified reviewer June 15, 2022
Kamakshi is a creative genius, master storyteller, and amazing performer! For anyone to tell a story based on primal, severe trauma - that alone needs to be acknowledged because of the profound vulnerability required - and to recount it in such detail, with intricate recall, and with present emotion - it's extraordinary. She shifts characters - (they too demand acknowledgment, with their standout personalities, quirks and intricacies) - with such ease, turning on a dime to bring a memory home and make a scene poignant, keeping the story intact and giving it an integral flow. She also brings a deeply personal element to major issues the culture needs to heal. (See it to understand more.) Needless to say, highly recommended! ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
TL FORSBERG certified reviewer June 15, 2022
Brave, resilient, revealing ... Her shame character was my favorite!... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion
TANYA THOMAS certified reviewer June 15, 2022
tagged as: Empowering · compelling · Bold
Bold, compelling & empowering, Resilient AF is a powerful story of resilience in the face of trauma. It doesn’t stop there! Through songs that were gorgeously sung by Kamakshi, character work (the silencer is truly chilling!) and intimate stories, Kamakshi Hart gives us a step by step guide to heal generational trauma, maintain well being, and be truly, wholeheartedly, resilient AF! Brava, Kamakshi! ... full review
resilient af: rising to the occasion