The Shape of Me, at its heart, is a show about the importance of kindness and love. The authors have set out to inspire others through their exploration of what self-love looks like in a world determined to make fat bodies the enemy. The show is a call to action to create a more inclusive and diverse world not only for folks living in larger bodies, but for anyone and everyone who feels the sting of being different. The Shape of Me invites you to imagine the revolution that occurs when people stop apologizing for their existence. None of us know how many days we get on this adventure. We hope you’ll join us in adding more love to those days.
Covid-19 Protocols: (Subject to Change) Masks are currently optional. You will be asked to provide proof of vaccination at the door. Boosters are encouraged but not required. A current negative test will get you in the door. Please check the Fringe Main Website for further details.