
Dickin' Around

Solo Show · Unmuted Participants · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
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dickin' around


June 26, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

I loved the show, the props were hilarious, the story was great, the acting was stellar. Overall, I truly enjoyed the show and I think it was executed very very well.

Every now and then, I looked around to see how the audience was capturing and I think everyone was enjoying it just as much.

What I didn't like

Michael did a great job at using the resources, space, and the fringe, to deliver a strong story. To nitpick, perhaps there is an opportunity to play a little bit more with the stage design when transitioning locations, but, I understand there are stage limitations, especially in a one-person show.

My overall impression

This was a very well written show that touched on many themes that are applicable to both the modern and pre-modern adult experience. People of all walks of life can find this show relatable and the performance was genuine, honest, and emotional; where even the least empathetic of a person can feel the emotion.

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dickin' around