
Dickin' Around

Solo Show · Unmuted Participants · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
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dickin' around

Review by NINA DELEO

June 24, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

The humor to emotional depth ratio was perfect. The high energy humor kept the pace moving while the emotional depth and heart made you feel seen at your core. Well written and wonderfully performed.

What I didn't like

That I was only able to see it once

My overall impression

Hysterical and thought provoking. The grace with which Michael moved from lewd and lascivious to heartfelt and genuine was a thing of beauty! In a moment I would go from laughing to the point of tears, to wanting to hug him and make the pain go away. So much human experience packed into an hour, but the high energy humor and talent exhibited made that hour pass way too fast.

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dickin' around