A Night of Weird Shit

Immersive & Games · the midnight cleanup crew · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer August 26, 2021
Awesome!... full review
ERIC BILLITZER certified reviewer August 26, 2021
This is exactly what you want at the Fringe -- the silliest, funniest, edgiest, off-the-wall production ever. A narrator explains it's a staged reading/improvisation of a combination of "Moby Dick" and "Peer Gynt," while the participants admit to knowing very little about either work, and put on a series of hilarious scenes lit with non sequiturs in some kind of a theatre space or large meeting room. I'm not sure if "The Cleanup Crew" is doing this as a workshop production or the final result, but catch this, or whatever they do next ! The "limbo scene" was off the hook !... full review