A vulnerable and raw guided experience of someone finding themselves. Finding yourself can be messy, but you can have fun and learn a lot along the way. ...
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Such a fun show! I felt like I was just sitting with a friend gabbing about life and love and by the end of it all I almost forgot I was at a show and instead felt I had gained a friend who I wanted to hug by the end! Haha! ...
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certified reviewerAugust 20, 2021
My overall impression was this piece has great heart. If you need a pick me up, or just need a fresh take on life (Especially if you’re LGBTQ) this is the show for you. ...
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Outstanding performance; George is a very charismatic person and not afraid of showing his reality and making fun of situations many times tragic. I love the show and recommended to everyone to have fun watching this man on stage.
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This is a man who experienced life in different situations and trying to find himself, only to realize he wasn't being honest with himself and trying to find love and acceptance from others who weren't showing it. But it took him to realize he had to love and accept himself the way he is. ...
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I really enjoyed George's last one-person show, Magic 8 Ball, but honestly, I may just like this one even better! Possibly for selfish reasons, since as a gay guy who can be socially awkward and has not had the best of luck in the dating department, there was definitely a lot I personally related to a good deal here. George continues to have a knack for sharing his experiences in a fun, interesting, and relatable way....
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Oh boy, what a sweet, compelling story. It’s been such a life lesson. George has never given up and he’s right: hope is the best companion to go through our life. Thank you. Man. You made my day....
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