Crude: A Completely Unauthorized Play

Drama · abacab studios · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 12, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

The lead actor.

What I didn't like

The punctuated titling of the scenes, by an announcer/narrator of sorts. I felt this interrupted the flow. A more elegant way of doing this might have been to just flash these statements as a graphic that floated above the set in the darkness between lighting cues. Just silent words with sound design leading us into the next scene.

My overall impression

Did not know what to expect going into this show, but I was intrigued by the premise and controversy I read about the production. The show was really good, but the real revelation was Ryan Ruffing, who’s image graces the poster. He really stood out, possessing a balance of pathos, humor and sadness that had me in every scene. He owned this character and the stage at every turn. He’s clearly an actor on the rise and this show gives him an incredible platform for his talents.

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