
An Excuse To Behave Badly

Angry Young Pretenders Productions · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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an excuse to behave badly


June 13, 2019 certified reviewer
tagged as: fun

What I liked

I loved the plot, I loved that it was a tight 30-minute episode, I loved that it was able to be both realistic and very on the nose, while also having several heightened, pop-out moments— and in those moments, I loved that each character had a big moment in the spotlight, whether it was a monologue, whether it was interacting with the audience, or just being straight up hilarious. You could tell that the cast was having a blast, you can’t fake chemistry like that, and it made me laugh from beginning to end. Strong performances from everybody, sharp writing, and candy on entry? Sign me up.

What I didn't like

I don’t care for this section, because I really enjoyed the play top to bottom. If anything, I’d love to see more episodes in these characters’ lives! I think it’d be a lot of fun as a recurring show throughout the year with different big nights out (what happens, on, say, Thanksgiving Eve? or en route to Coachella?) and I’d love to see these characters continue to play in more works.

My overall impression

Absolutely loved it. What a spot-on, fun slice of life, highlighting a situation I’ve found myself in far too many times. I loved that the show was able to be simultaneously hilarious, with a couple of too-real moments questioning each of the girls’ existential crises, and every member of the cast had a moment to shine. The cast were all so talented, and in between cracking up (and breaking a sweat at the thought of a dead phone after midnight on Halloween!!!), I really appreciated the poignant moments and the ultimate shrine to strong friendships.

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an excuse to behave badly