ensemble theatre · orgasmico theatre company · Ages 10+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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CHRISTINE DEITNER certified reviewer June 13, 2019
It's been a challenge to know exactly where to begin with any kind of description of Orgasmico Theatre Company's premiere of "The Death of Sam Mobean".  This failure to verbally launch isn't due to anything that might be considered subjectively wrong with the work.  Quite the opposite - it is in fact caused by this being the smartest, most fiercely enacted, most engaging and mysterious piece seen thus far by these eyes at Hollywood Fringe Festival and the journey of discovery offered here is one that should be left unspoiled for those who will be able to witness it.... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 16, 2019
After spending the last couple of years producing amazing art with Cherry Poppins productions, he has returned with an amazing show that channels his inner David Lynch, and gives us the “fringiest” show of HFF19. ... full review