
Ghost Town

Constance Ejuma · Ages 15+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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ghost town

Review by anonymous

June 30, 2019 certified reviewer

What I liked

I very much liked the news videos that were presented. This was a terrific way to provide a lot of context in a short amount of time. I also thought that the various women explaining their situations were very powerful. They were also very short. I was also very much engaged by the character advising on the use of twitter. This was character was very energetic and committed (but see below).

What I didn't like

I thought the characters of the judge and the minister could have been edited down a bit or that perhaps they needed more context. Although the twitter character was very engaging, I wanted more context on this as well. What was this person’s motivation?

My overall impression

This was a very thought provoking show.

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ghost town