peter massey · Ages 17+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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DAVID MACDOWELL BLUE certified reviewer June 13, 2019
Aging seems mundane as dramas go, especially among those who lead otherwise good lives. Making such entertaining and genuinely moving presents something of a challenge, one met by Peter Massey in Out of the Blue with a deceptively easy skill. Part of the charm of this show is the performer, who combines several qualities that watching and listening to him pleasurable. Massey has an expressive voice, a limber and expressive form, and clearly understands precisely what he's saying (this is a startlingly major problem with most uneven performances). The slideshows projected onto the wall behind him punctuate events and ponderings, and the scattering of basic furniture (painted with a lovely--and appropriate--night sky pattern) all add up ... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 17, 2019
While I’m not a huge believer in astrology, there was no doubt of its importance to Massey, as evidenced by the passion of his performance. His storytelling was spot-on and he kept the audience entranced and engaged throughout. ... full review