
PLAY ON! A Musical Romp with Shakespeare's Heroines

musicals and operas · Laura Jo Trexler · Ages 12+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show world premiere
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play on! a musical romp with shakespeare's heroines

Review by JULIA LISA

June 02, 2018 certified reviewer
tagged as: delightful · sexy · music · shakespeare

What I liked

The concept is simple, but so well executed! Trexler’s talent is the show. The songs are gorgeous, funny and sexy all at the same time! I loved the occasional surprise use of props, and the light changes helped set the stage.

What I didn't like

I followed along with the playbill to see which of Shakespeare’s women she was playing for each song, which was awesome and helpful, but I found it took me out trying to look in the dark at my program. Maybe there is a way to indicate who she is playing with the projector or I should have been more patient and just listen to the song for a moment to figure it out.

My overall impression

Laura Jo Trexler is LA’s own soulful Sutton Foster! A women banging out impressive and delightful songs on a grand piano on stage, this show was a gem! Very impressed with her vocal and musical talents. Laura Jo Trexler will be a name everyone will know one day! I want to see more! I also bought a CD of the show I was that impressed! It’s a fun 50 mins, go check it out!

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play on! a musical romp with shakespeare's heroines