
With My Eyes Shut

Cruthaigh Productions · Ages 12+ · United States of America

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TRACEY PALEO, GIA ON THE MOVE (OFFICIAL PRESS) certified reviewer June 16, 2018
tagged as: autism · Aspergers · humor
Recommended. A wonderful analogy between theatre and the autism spectrum.... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 22, 2018
tagged as: autism · colors · music · dance · beauty
The music and dancing were first rate, and moved the story along nicely. It was so easy to get swept up in this show,, which is definitely one of the best productions of HFF18. This one deserves recognition at the awards, and another run.... full review
SHARI BARRETT certified reviewer June 16, 2018
Directed by Tara Donovan with skill, passion and great insight into the many components of those on the autism spectrum, this West Coast premiere of Kira Rockwell's three-person play WITH MY EYES WIDE SHUT will open your eyes to the ways in which others see the world and react to it. The two lead characters, Cole (Craig Shields) and Naomi (Esther Mira, a highly artistic choreographer whose lovely dances are set to the color moods of her character), both have behavior issues. He is a musical prodigy whose skill with instruments leads his life while her obsession with color leads her into a life surrounded by "blue" to calm her down. ... full review
with my eyes shut