The Maya in Me

solo performance · gifted productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere

The Maya in Me is a one-woman theatrical production, accentuated by live music and dance, written and performed by Tameka Bob. Tameka tells the transparent and timely personal story of love, laughter, hardship, and resilience. Set in New Orleans, Louisiana, the story begins with an all too familiar scenario during childhood, and walks the audience through her young adult life as 1/2 of a dysfunctional relationship, and progresses to an escape marriage, all while working toward a Doctorate degree. There are many twists and turns during this ride of love and life. How does she maneuver it all? She hears the wise words of Dr. Maya Angelou, who offers similar experiences and advice during her journey.

The Maya in Me seeks to educate and inspire audiences by telling a story of transparency, faith, and resilience, through artistic expression and the wisdom of Dr. Maya Angelou. The Maya in Me is unique and caters to an audience who can benefit from modern day material, as well as the wisdom and experiences of Dr. Angelou: young adult females, college students, and those who have been directly or indirectly affected by substance abuse. Yet, all will find a subject matter or feeling they can relate to.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran