Yellow Wallpaper

ensemble theatre · denise m. barrett · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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JIM VEJVODA certified reviewer June 03, 2018
tagged as: Horror · gaslighting
A very old school and ambitious approach to psychological horror. The visual effect of the wall itself never overwhelmed the story and the lead actress pulled off a very tricky role. I imagined watching this in black & white on Turner Classic Movies.... full review
SARAH BEAGLE NEWMAN certified reviewer June 04, 2018
I read the original Yellow Wallpaper in High School and again just a few years ago one day when bored at work. It is a fascinating and terrifying story...Denise Barrett does an amazing job adapting this to a one-act. The story builds into insanity and the lead actress is phenomenal as Jane. This play uses screen projection in a brilliant way. I seriously had goosebumps as the story progressed! I highly recommend this play to anyone checking out the Fringe shows. ... full review
LIGIA LANGTON certified reviewer June 05, 2018
I was very impressed by the story and how well it was performed. The lead actress was fabulous. Not having read the book, I was surprised on how easy it was to fallow the story. Jane kept me at the edge of my chair. I highly recommend this play, it was awesome. I enjoyed every minute of it!... full review
MATT TRAMEL certified reviewer June 10, 2018
When someone's perception, formerly grounded in fantasy, begins to experience reality, the new surroundings are foreign and frighteningly unsettling. That obscurity of what is real and what is truth was captured quite effectively in this production.... full review
SOO CHYUN certified reviewer June 10, 2018
The Yellow Wallpaper was a short story I read once and it was rather memorable for it's strong language and look into mental illness and a housewive's limitations at the time. So before going to see it, I was quite curious to see how the director properly conveys the original premise. Through the impressive performances from the cast especially the main lead, Tatum Langton The Yellow Wallpaper works well as an adaptation as well as remaining relevant with its themes. ... full review
JAKE KORNELY certified reviewer June 12, 2018
An inventive approach to a psychological thriller. The strong performance from the lead actress and the animation kept the show engaging and brought it to a whole new level. At times I thought the scenes were a little repetitive, but I think that was to highlight the feeling of isolation and depression of the main character.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 16, 2018
Yellow Wallpaper was very dark and very gripping! A very gripping show. ... full review
DAVID LUCARELLI certified reviewer June 16, 2018
tagged as: intense · Horror · well acted
A well done and intense horror story about a young woman who may or may not be losing her mind, staying in a house that may or may not be haunted. ... full review
LEAH VERRILL certified reviewer June 16, 2018
Such a great story. My mother uses this story in her English Litature classes. It’s such an interesting story. How do we treat people suffering from mental illness and is it helpful or harmful? Are the drugs our society currently puts people on hindering or calming? And have they become more effective now in modern days? This story also asks the question how do we treat women, healthy or sick? And is this treatment driving them mad? ... full review
CYNDIE SORREL certified reviewer June 20, 2018
Great show. Highly recommend seeing this show. The young talents are refreshing to watch. ... full review