
Love, Locs & Liberation

BlackWomyn Beautiful Productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show
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RICHARD MCDONALD certified reviewer June 16, 2018
tagged as: relatable · funny · educational · entertaining
A wonderful, amazing one woman show about growing up with black hair. The show speaks about universal themes that all people can relate to. Highly recommend. Wonderful ... full review
DEEDRA LAWRENCE certified reviewer June 03, 2018
tagged as: funny
Great energy, good theme. Liked the songs and references. Took me back to issues and struggles with my own hair, acceptance, and beauty. Funny! Well done,... full review
SHAVON JOHNSON certified reviewer June 04, 2018
tagged as: Black Girl MAGIC!!!
Love, Locs and Liberation was simply awesome. This one woman show brings to life the complexities that we as African American women go through starting from our young years and continuing through our adult years with our hair. She sheds light on the historical background of black women and their hair; and how we often times get caught up in what our hair looks like and if it’s not together, then we are not together. Which isn’t true; we are not defined by our hair, or by what others think we should do to our hair, we are defined by who we say we are. ... full review
EDEN JEFFRIES certified reviewer June 08, 2018
Ella uses the journey of black hair from girlhood to womanhood as a vessel in which to capture the complexities of discovering self and cultivating identity while navigating the intricacies of racism, self-deprecation, cultural codes, and empowerment that is the black experience. Love, Locs, & Liberation is a wonderful weaving of humor, celebration, nostalgia, and social commentary. Never a dull moment. You don't need to be black, or a woman to be captured and moved by this story and you SHOULD see it, but if you are black, and a woman, then you damn sure NEED to see it!... full review
LYRALEN KAYE certified reviewer June 09, 2018
tagged as: humor · diversity · character show
A great use of hair as a metaphor for identity and relationships! The characters were amazing and very distinct. I particularly loved Ella's Haitian mom. ... full review
SACHA ELIE certified reviewer June 09, 2018
This show is fun, sincere, and one that everyone can relate too. I laughed, and cried, her accent of her Haitian mother is one for the books, Don't get me started on her acting. She effortlessly went through different characters, Ella gives a tour de force performance. Its no wonder she is a scholarship winner! Excellent show! Go to the show, Go to the show!! ... full review
MISTY MONROE CLARK certified reviewer June 11, 2018
This is a must see show. Ella is an excellent actress and navigates the sensitive issues of identity and acceptance with heartfelt honesty. ... full review
MITCHELL BISSCHOP certified reviewer June 16, 2018
So good and entertaining and I could have watched it all day! This show is not just about hair, it is about owning who you are.... full review
SHARI BARRETT certified reviewer June 16, 2018
As a woman with naturally curly hair who suffered the indignities of what had to be done to keep it straight and in style during my teen years, I certainly appreciate the sentiments Ella Turenne expressed during her show, "Love, Locs & Liberation." Her goal as a big and beautiful black woman was to share how spiritually uplifting it becomes when you realize you are not your hair, but the soul within that shines brightly no matter what may cover your head. Navigating the tale from her decision to undergo "The Big Chop" and become bald after an unfortunate experience after a perm, Turenne takes us on a journey through the many people in her life that each had an opinion about her hair and how to handle it, always keeping in mind to do your h... full review
VICTOR SOTOMAYOR certified reviewer June 22, 2018
Ella Turenne explores her different stages dealing with her hair, a teenage crush, tragedy, love and self discovery. A powerful and electric performance that touches your heart and never leaves you.... full review
love, locs & liberation