
Earhart: More Than A F-ing Mystery (A Musical Flight)

musicals and operas · Hagopian Company · Ages 18+ · United States of America

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SPENCER FRANKEBERGER uncertified reviewer June 18, 2018
The show felt so much like a "not-so-flashy" Broadway musical, and that's a great thing! It focused so much on the performances and the story than the production value. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 03, 2018
So much fun and inspiring to boot! Muriel Montgomery was phenomenal.... full review
KATHERINE CONNOR DUFF uncertified reviewer June 03, 2018
Very charming, witty piece with funny characters (especially Ms. Montgomery's Mr. Putnam) and great music! The lyrics were clever, the melodies were catchy and well sung. I especially loved that Hagopian stuck with the old time-y compositions of the '30s (such as the Andrews sisters style female numbers) but also managed to keep it modern and light.... full review
MATTHEW DOMENICO certified reviewer June 03, 2018
Overall, it was a wonderful piece and I had a great time watching an interesting homage to a very important historical figure. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 04, 2018
I'm not lying when I tell you I cried a little bit. Choreographed song and dance are kind of my weakness. Add the perfect ratio of geeky, feministy, and a few well timed dick jokes and I'm dead 🤘... full review
MIKE REYES certified reviewer June 04, 2018
tagged as: musical · airplanes
EARHART: MORE THAN A F-ING MYSTERY soars to great heights, this fun, lively show, is earnest, life-affirming musical This touching story emphases the deep legacy left behind by Earhart and reminds us that while once dubbed "Lady Lindy" the given to her by the United Press "Queen of the Air" is much more fitting. ... full review
JULIA LISA certified reviewer June 07, 2018
tagged as: musical · fun · Talent · great songs · enjoyable
Great song, great performances, clever concept! Very enjoyable and a great Fringe length!... full review
SOO CHYUN certified reviewer June 07, 2018
Fantastic show! The whole cast is very talented to the point of broadway vocal quality, really! The way the writer structured this story was quite clever. If this subject was in the wrong hand, it could be pretty bland and boring.... full review
KATHLEEN OBRIEN uncertified reviewer June 08, 2018
tagged as: comedy · musical · Amazing!
DANIEL FAIGIN certified reviewer June 18, 2018
tagged as: musical · earhart · flying
Earhart – More than a F-ing Mystery (A Musical Flight) is an interesting show that has quite a bit of promise. In many ways, it reminds me of Gutenberg: The Musical (which we saw in San Diego a few years ago), due to its tongue in cheek attitude and the way that it recognizes that is it a stage show. Right now, the show itself is extremely Fringe-y and at times a bit cheesy, but I think there are some really strong bones that could support taking this forward and making it into something much much more. The basic story combines with a strong set of performances to make this all so wonderful. For the full writeup, see full review
earhart: more than a f-ing mystery (a musical flight)