

musicals and operas · Hennessey Productions · Ages 2+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere

About the Project

When a Mysterious and Magical “GIFT” arrives at the Kookie Clubhouse Kingdom, all of it’s residents are both excited, confused, irratated and a little scared. Not knowing where it came from and what’s going to happen next brings more mystery as the audience helps them figure out which one of our characters will be recieving this Magical ‘gift’. As transformations take place throughout the show of some of the characters, the children and those in the Kingdom learn that these transformations and ‘differences’ truly are “Gifts” to make their Kingdom an even better place to live. Throughout the show there are mysteries to solve, “Who’s it gonna be?”, Crafts to make for our Animal Parades, Dances and songs from other Lands and Magic to behold (from our very own Wizard) Our Multi-Cultural Kingdom includes the King (Austrialian), the Queen (from India), the Prince (South Aftrican), The Princess (Asian), The Jesters 1 & 2 (from North and South America) the Nanny (from England), and the Wizard (we think from the Artic).

Production Team

Bob Burlingham

bob burlingham *

executive producer
Laurie Grant

laurie grant  *

musical director
Sheena  Metal

sheena metal *

Jim Todd

jim todd *

abbe rowlins

abbe rowlins *

Tracy  Martin

tracy martin *

Daniel Garza

daniel garza *

Karlie Blair

karlie blair *

jester #1/honey
Michael  Hennessey

michael hennessey *

playwright/director/producer/actor-jester #1/wolfie
Anthony Robert  Beechler

anthony robert beechler  *

associate producer/actor/jester #2/wolfie
Jeremiah Caleb

jeremiah caleb *

James Calixte

james calixte *


* Fringe Veteran

kookie clubhouse kingdom