
Too Many Hitlers or: The Decoy Decameron

Ape X · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere
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LAUREN GARZA certified reviewer June 05, 2017
tagged as: Pointedly hilarious
The best way to delegitimize something is to laugh at it. Be aware of what it is, but treat it as it deserves to be.... full review
ABBY SCHACHNER certified reviewer June 09, 2017
I thought this was great... totally in the spirt of the fringe... and a great take on Hitler that I have yet to see. The comedy was primo... and that's not just being kind. The writing, the concept, so good. The casting and acting, vunderbar. Totally enjoyed myself, and this is my favorite of Steve's so far. Great job, everyone. This is one I'd see twice.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 12, 2017
I enjoyed my viewing experience, and the show as a whole.... full review
GRAY PALMER "stage raw" certified reviewer June 13, 2017
Recommended At last year’s Hollywood Fringe, in Tony Danza's Letterz 2 2pac, the writer/comedian Steven Benaquist brilliantly impersonated a clueless Tony Danza sharing Tupac Shakur’s letters from prison. In that TV-earnest “conversation for the ages,” Benaquist gave a deadpan performance of Danza’s revelations about — and appropriations of — blackness that was hilarious and jaw-dropping. This year Benaquist returns with another satisfying hall-of-mirrors comedy, Too Many Hitlers. Here, at the conclusion of WWII, all Hitler’s decoy-doubles have been summoned to the bunker. Benaquist, as Decoy #1, fiercely committed to the Decoy’s Prime Directive, never admits that he isn’t Hitler. Decoy #2 (the terrific Cameron Fife) nearly matche... full review
RYAN LISMAN certified reviewer June 13, 2017
It took some major guts to put up this play, it's inherently controversial, and I love that about it. The play was always engaging for me mainly because of how brave the concept was. The play is a constant series of laughs, Steven never fails to deliver for me. ... full review
AURORA PATTERSON certified reviewer June 20, 2017
Hilarious and clever-they have you laughing at these incredibly insane circumstances and at Nazis. Not an easy feat. Well done. ... full review
RUSSELL EATON certified reviewer June 20, 2017
tagged as: funny · silly · farce
A hysterical premise gets more and more absurd as the play moves along. ... full review
CHARLES PECORARO certified reviewer June 24, 2017
tagged as: comedy
Benaquist has a signature style of silly that is equal parts clever, absurd, & never takes itself too seriously, while playing it mostly straight. I see a lot of Peter Sellers & Mel Brooks in his writing. TMH is a really fun look at one of history's most ludicrous what ifs. Hey, could have happened. -=Charlie Pecoraro... full review
ANDREW SOLMSSEN certified reviewer June 25, 2017
Great show! fun for all the Hitlers and me!... full review
AVI LIBERMAN certified reviewer June 25, 2017
Steve Benaquist continues to impress writing original funny material ... full review
too many hitlers or: the decoy decameron